Feb 27, 2014

Put a cork in it

We just completed a kitchen re-do at our house which began with the need for more storage - makes sense right?  In the process of painting, adding new hardware and several trips to the donation pile, we managed to free up some storage space and make the cabinet interiors look neat and clean.  Today, I am showing you how we freshened up our kitchen drawers!

Project time:  1/2 hour (longer for me since I have project ADD) for 5 drawers.

While you can't fully grasp the insides of the drawers from below, believe me when I say they were tired, sad slabs of particle board.  Sure we could have just painted them but between utensils and "junk", they were bound to get scratched (and, helloooo, we needed to cover up paint drips).

Solution?  Cork... self-adhesive cork (heaven!!)  Purchased at our local Home Depot - 2 rolls were more than enough to do our 5 drawers.

Self-adhesive cork (around $15/roll)
Measuring tape

1. Measure depth and width of your drawer and cut cork to size - scissors are all that you need for this stuff (super easy)
2. Peel back a bit of the contact backing and set into corners.  Continue to peel it back slowly as you press the cork into the drawer.
3. DONE!

The cork gives it an updated, clean look while also giving contact paper a good name!  Now, where else can I stick this stuff??

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!!! You are awesome! So doing this! More exclamations marks to come!!!! ;)
